So, this is what has been happening in my life. This show is so hard, so difficult, and I have a somewhat large part (I'm the narrator). I have had no time really to do anything else for the last couple days, I haven't had dinner with my family in about a week, and haven't even seen my father in the last seventy two hours. Ahh, but this show will be spectacular when it opens tonight. Tuesday I was at school until 10 pm, then back again at 5:30 am to be on the news. Tonight we open, and I could not get a full night's sleep (out of anxiety or excitement? Hmm.) Anyway, this is me, doin my thang -
Also, here is the required publicity, because, if you are actually reading this blog, you are awesome. And awesome people come see the shows at Hopkins! 7 pm Thurs, Fri, Sat, and also a matinee at 2 on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday matinee are both student discounts- BOGO! So, come see the show, we've put a ton of work into it. Plus, you would get to see me basically dressed as a Puritan (pictures to follow).