Thursday, June 18, 2015


Just goofing off. We have had a few days in Castle Valley where I have been editing photos and working on a few smaller projects, but I had a chance to photograph these lovely little dudes!

Okay, so not a pollinator. But very well disguised!

This photo of the bumble is particularly interesting because the bumble bees are really struggling in our area this year. This was one of the few who was in the yard. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Nights in Castle Valley

Hi, ya'll! A couple of fun announcements. #1, my photography website is up and running. Check it out at 
#2, I have officially started my job working as an environmental photography and ecology intern for the Grand Canyon Trust. I have been in Moab for the last week or so and I have been photographing transects and geo linking photos. It is all very exciting!

A couple of nights ago Castle Valley had a pretty dark evening with some interesting clouds. Here are a few shots.