Thursday, November 29, 2012

Where's [Marra]?

So, this is what has been happening in my life. This show is so hard, so difficult, and I have a somewhat large part (I'm the narrator). I have had no time really to do anything else for the last couple days, I haven't had dinner with my family in about a week, and haven't even seen my father in the last seventy two hours. Ahh, but this show will be spectacular when it opens tonight. Tuesday I was at school until 10 pm, then back again at 5:30 am to be on the news. Tonight we open, and I could not get a full night's sleep (out of anxiety or excitement? Hmm.) Anyway, this is me, doin my thang -
Also, here is the required publicity, because, if you are actually reading this blog, you are awesome. And awesome people come see the shows at Hopkins! 7 pm Thurs, Fri, Sat, and also a matinee at 2 on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday matinee are both student discounts- BOGO! So, come see the show, we've put a ton of work into it. Plus, you would get to see me basically dressed as a Puritan (pictures to follow). 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Capture Minnesota Profile

Claycuda- Capture Minnesota

I'm going to try to get more involved on this website. I'm starting to understand it better, and I'm getting some great feedback from strangers! Wahoo!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Abandoned Farmhouse

Thanksgiving- Snow, Food, Friends, OH MY!


Unedited Shots- Sunrise Thanksgiving Day 2012

Totally worth getting up early. Totally. One of the most gorgeous sunrises that I have ever seen, but the day kept going, getting colder and colder and colder, until eventually it snowed. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Biking with da Papa

We should be sports clothing models.... not.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I got asked to come back as a counselor in training for my photography camp, and I couldn't be more ecstatic! Gahhh I want to take these pictures again and again and again. Also- Whitman application DONE!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012


This is where I was just a few weeks before summer started this past year. My dad and I flew into Washington DC. We visited family, took a tour of Georgetown University, ate cupcakes, then went to my cousin's wedding. I remember that though school was still there, it just was not nearly as stressful because it was after AP exams and after most of the work in my classes. I want to be there right now. I want to be at graduation, but first make a pit stop at Heart-O-Grams and grab lunch at prom. Today was quite possibly one of the most stressful college application days of my life. My Whitman Early Decision application is due Thursday, the 15th. This weekend I got a call from a student at Whitman because my application was still not complete. So, today I visited my counselor and discovered that I was missing huge chunks of my application still. One of my letters of recommendation had been lost in the mail, my early decision agreement needed to be signed by my counselor still, and my school network was having problems, which disallowed sending my school report. I wanted to cry. I still want to cry. If I don't get this in early decision, I might just breakdown. I fell in love with the school, and I just want to go there, get this whole process over and done with early on. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trying to be Zooey Deschanel?

Today, I embraced the fact that, if given the opportunity, I would switch lives with Zooey Deschanel in a heartbeat. She, well, and Tina Fey, are my idols. So, when I found these pants for $11 at Forever 21 (and they turned out to be an additional 50% off!) I knew it was a sign from the heavens that I was meant to dress like her. So, they were purchased, and now I feel like a dirty rotten hipster. But I don't mind it. Plus- look at these awesome shoes I bought! I've always made fun of Rocket Dog, but I actually really like these ones! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012

Well, it is somewhat obvious who I am supporting. But my shoes are bipartisan. Anyway, I have my strong political beliefs, but the reality is that everyone just needs to vote. Unfortunately, the polls have already closed in Minnesota. But if somehow this reaches the west coast, get out there is you haven't already!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Book Review: The World Without Us

This past summer, I forced myself to keep reading. I love to read, don't get me wrong, but over the summer sometimes I just don't think about it as much, and then I start to get headaches from concentrating when school starts. Anyway, I took my freedom this summer as a chance to not only read some books that will be handy, but to also read for fun. This, however, was not one of the fun ones. Every other book I read was nonfiction, so that I could stack up books to reference in class, and this was the second nonfiction I chose (first was Fly-Fishing with Darth Vader, if you are at all interested in politics, I highly recommend). Oh boy, did I hate it. Hated it hated it hated it. Loved the cover art, but hated the contents. I love the planet, I really do. And the topics Weisman wrote about were indeed interesting, but he took so stinkin long to explain everything that I always found myself falling asleep. I only finished it because I was forcing myself to (ie, I wasn't allowed to watch Gossip Girl until I had read a chapter, self-discipline, yo!). Now, I am currently in AP Environmental Science. Last week, my teacher assigned us to read a chapter from this book all about trash, focusing on plastics. I at first was upset.... I hated it so much over the summer. But, rereading a chapter actually sparked my interest in the topic. I think it is because we have been learning a lot of the topics in class, so they aren't as hard to follow, and I feel smart understanding scientific sections of it. I started at the beginning of the book again, and so far I am really enjoying it! So- I recommend this book. But only if you are really interested in the environment. If not, I still recommend this book. Particularly for those who suffer from insomnia. 


 Seeing all the salt water taffy made me think of Maryland... and I hope that OC is surviving this hurricane right now. 
 When I was a little kid, I always wanted huge lollipops like these, but my mom would never let me buy them. When I could drive myself to the store and had more than two quarters in my savings, I would go buy these. Now my stupid red dye sensitivity means that I get headaches whenever I eat these. Sorry- first world problems- I am thoroughly upset. 
 Weird artwork- just layering on tons of acrylic paint to give it a feeling of being 3D. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Halloween Party- take two! I hated the costume for the first one (I just looked like a gross, sparkly pumpkin), so I decided to actually buy a costume for today! Gladiator/Olympian/Greek Goddess? Something along those lines. Anyway, I looked cute without looking skanky, so my goal was completed. 
Chewy was my chariot horse? Maybe not, but he's still such a cutie that the world needs to see a picture of him whenever possible.