Saturday, January 26, 2013

A few things that make my life happier...

 Our president. I like this dude, a lot. 
 When photos are perfectly timed. 
 Again- when photos are perfectly timed! (Thank you, Stumble Upon, for bringing me these two shots)
 Mi novio, and the fact that he lets me tie his sweatshirt all weird then take pictures of him. 
Also the fact that he's so cool we can take hat pictures together. And other funny pictures together. And the fact that he makes me smile and the way his hipster glasses sometimes slide a little bit down the bridge of his nose. And how much I adore him in general. 
 Whitman College! I've been meeting people on Facebook that I will be with next year... excitement running through my bones, pumping through my veins, brotha. 
 The hundreds of (sometimes little) kids I babysit for. And that they don't mock me for doing duck face. 
 The HHS Theater Program (Royal Productions). Graduation finally hit me... it's actually a scary feeling. Scary but also wonderful. I know that I will be at home at Whitman, but it is also hard to look at what my life has been like for the last eighteen years and imagine how it will all change. I need to relearn roads- I don't know freeways and maps of Washington! I need to make all new friends, when I get upset I can't just call my best friends since 7th grade, they'll all be in different states. But one of the weirdest things I realized is that I will no longer be a part of the theater program. The thousands and thousands of hours which I put into those shows... and I haven't always loved it, (now I ADORE it), but it has just been a massive part of my existence thus far. Right now I'm directing another one act, by the same playwrite as 10,000 Cigarettes (Alex Braun): The First Fireworks. People cried at our dress rehearsal. It was inspiring. But more about that to come later, I suppose. 
When Stumble Upon brings me funny pictures of dogs diving under water for balls. 

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