Sunday, November 4, 2012

Book Review: The World Without Us

This past summer, I forced myself to keep reading. I love to read, don't get me wrong, but over the summer sometimes I just don't think about it as much, and then I start to get headaches from concentrating when school starts. Anyway, I took my freedom this summer as a chance to not only read some books that will be handy, but to also read for fun. This, however, was not one of the fun ones. Every other book I read was nonfiction, so that I could stack up books to reference in class, and this was the second nonfiction I chose (first was Fly-Fishing with Darth Vader, if you are at all interested in politics, I highly recommend). Oh boy, did I hate it. Hated it hated it hated it. Loved the cover art, but hated the contents. I love the planet, I really do. And the topics Weisman wrote about were indeed interesting, but he took so stinkin long to explain everything that I always found myself falling asleep. I only finished it because I was forcing myself to (ie, I wasn't allowed to watch Gossip Girl until I had read a chapter, self-discipline, yo!). Now, I am currently in AP Environmental Science. Last week, my teacher assigned us to read a chapter from this book all about trash, focusing on plastics. I at first was upset.... I hated it so much over the summer. But, rereading a chapter actually sparked my interest in the topic. I think it is because we have been learning a lot of the topics in class, so they aren't as hard to follow, and I feel smart understanding scientific sections of it. I started at the beginning of the book again, and so far I am really enjoying it! So- I recommend this book. But only if you are really interested in the environment. If not, I still recommend this book. Particularly for those who suffer from insomnia. 

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