Friday, August 24, 2012

Para la Mia Famiglia!
Families are quite odd. Everyone knows the whole "can't live with them, can't live without them" saying. But, after finally getting to truly meet a lot of them, I can confirm that my life without them would simply be impossible. The last family reunion I attended was the summer after my first year of junior high. I was in the awkward age, when one does not know whether to spend time with other kids or with adults. This year, though I did serve as the babysitter, I got a chance to talk to a lot of the very interesting adults whom I am related to. And boy are there some spunky characters. I had a conversation all about America's involvement in Panama during the early 1900's with an American History teacher I did not know existed. I got to talk all about the possibility of me majoring in cultural anthropology at both Whitman and Vanderbilt with relatives who attended both of those schools, whom I had never met. I learned that my cousin waited twenty years before coming out to the family, and finally introduced us to his partner after them having been together since the 80's. I learned what happens when you mix 7 little girls and glitter (bad things, I warn). I learned that I have family in New York, Washington, Washington DC, California, West Virginia, and Louisiana, all of whom I did not know about. I learned that one of my cousins would be my dream husband (if we were not related, obviously). He has spent several years teaching English in China (going rafting, bungee jumping, and mountain climbing along the way) and wants to get his master's in anthropology. I have learned that I am a possible donor for my cousin who needs a kidney, and after finally getting to meet him I am wanting to. I have learned that I act just like other people on this planet, both those who I actually do share blood with and those who have married into the family. After getting to meet all these people, I feel like I am suddenly connected to this Italian network which I didn't know existed. And I am excited to discover more about it!

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